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AmeriCorps Supports Disaster Recovery in North Carolina, Continues to Support States Impacted by Hurricane Helene
NewsOctober 9th, 2024 | Raleigh, N.C. — “Conservation Corps NC is committed to developing the next generation of conservation leaders for North Carolina, and our partnership with AmeriCorps is critical to that mission,” said Jessie Birckhead, Executive Director of Conservation Corps North Carolina. “Each year over 85 AmeriCorps members serve with CCNC helping protect and conserve our state’s incredible natural resources. We are committed to helping our community recover from the devastation of Hurricane Helene. In the coming weeks and months, our staff and members will support recovery efforts and help impacted communities begin to rebuild.”
Source: AmeriCorps Press Release
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Duke Energy powers vitality of natural resources in North Carolina through $522,400 in grants
NewsSeptember 29, 2020 | CHARLOTTE, N.C. – The Duke Energy Foundation today announced $522,400 in grants to fund environmental projects creating access to nature and protecting species, habitats and water quality in North Carolina.
One of the ways Duke Energy builds powerful communities is through protecting and restoring wildlife and natural resources that communities and future generations depend on. 22 organizations receive funds to protect and restore wildlife and natural resources: one of them is Conservation Corps North Carolina!
Source: Duke Energy • Conservation Corps North Carolina
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National Park Foundation and Partners Increase Investment in Service Corps Programs Across the Country
WASHINGTON—In honor of National Public Lands Day on Saturday, September 26, an annual celebration dedicated to restoring and improving public lands, the National Park Foundation today announced a more than $3.7 million investment in service corps programs across the country during fiscal year 2020, up from approximately $3.5 million in fiscal year 2019. Check out the highlight of Conservation Corps North Carolina!
Source: National Park Foundation • Conservation Corps North Carolina
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North Carolina Young Adults Work with Volunteers to Restore Black Mountain Crest Trail
NewsSeptember 3, 2020 | A Conservation Corps North Carolina (CCNC) crew of young adults worked with volunteers from the North Carolina High Peaks Trail Association to complete high priority trail work on the Black Mountain Crest Trail in the Nantahala National Forest.
Source: HC Press • Conservation Corps North Carolina
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Youth Conservation Corps Program
NewsJuly 22, 2020 | For four weeks this summer, eight teenagers from the Raleigh area gained work experience in natural resources and environmental fields as part of the Youth Conservation Crew (YCC) with the Conservation Corps of North Carolina’s summer program. This program works with public land managers across North Carolina to help accomplish some of the maintenance work that is required to keep public lands available and in good condition for users.
Source: RaleighNC.gov • Conservation Corps North Carolina
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COVID-19 Response Plan
NewsJune 29, 2020 | This will be updated regularly by Conservation Legacy staff with changes or further announcements. Last updated 6/29/20.
The safety of our participants, staff, and partners is our utmost priority. We have activated an Incident Response Team dedicated to addressing the impact of COVID-19 on our organization.
Below you will find updates regarding Conservation Legacy’s response to the emerging concerns related to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Conservation Legacy Brand Refresh
NewsApril 13, 2020 | Throughout 2019 and continuing into 2020, the Conservation Legacy Communications Team has been analyzing our brand, visual identity, messaging and communication strategies. It has taken the effort of our entire staff to pull together a comprehensive body of research, culminating with our 2020-2022 Strategic Plan. With that, we have refreshed our Conservation Legacy logo and program visual identities.
Duke Energy powers the vitality of natural resources in North Carolina through $800,000 in grants
NewsOctober 3, 2019 | CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Today Duke Energy announced $807,000 in grant funding from the Duke Energy Foundation to 22 organizations to strengthen the health of our environment and increase access to nature in North Carolina.
“North Carolina’s natural resources are a state treasure, and by collaborating with our trusted nonprofit partners we can accomplish more to protect and preserve species, habitats and water sources,” said Stephen De May, NC president, Duke Energy. “We’re working to ensure that future generations enjoy and benefit from all that North Carolina’s natural wonders have to offer.”
Source: Duke Energy News Center • Conservation Corps North Carolina
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Park hosts present-day Conservation Corps
NewsSeptember 25, 2019 | Hanging Rock State Park was brilliantly built in the 1930s by the original CCCs (Civilian Conservation Corps). The park was lucky enough to have the opportunity to house a new edition of the CCCs in this five-person CCNC crew with a crew leader this month. The crew set up their camping tents just yards away from the original CCC Camp 3422 and reported for duty. Their first assignment was to hike Ruben Mountain trail and de-berm, which is to remove the hump of soil that collects at the edge of the trail and prevents water from sheeting off properly.
Source: The Stokes News • Conservation Corps North Carolina
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New Partnership Expands Conservation Corps
NewsJanuary 4, 2019 | After successfully managing the North Carolina Youth Conservation Corps for six years, Conservation Trust for North Carolina, under a new strategic partnership with Colorado-based Conservation Legacy, will expand the program under a new name: Conservation Corps North Carolina.
Source: Conservation Trust for North Carolina • Conservation Corps North Carolina
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